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Computer Science Graduate Alumni won the UCY Entrepreneur Award at the 4th Innovation and Entrepreneurship Forum (IEF2019)

UCYEntrepreneurAward IEF2019Graduate alumni of the Department of Computer Science at the University of Cyprus, namely Georgios Larkou, George Nikolaides and George Mattheou won the "UCY Entrepreneur Award" in the context of the 4th Innovation and Entrepreneurship Forum 2019: 4th Industrial Revolution: Technology and Society (IEF 2019), which took place on April 19, 2019 at the University of Cyprus. The awardees founded in 2017 a company named Impact Tech Ltd, which has developed a variety of innovative software products and services under the label Impact CRM, which consolidates Sentiment Analysis using Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning algorithms to offer businesses game-changing insights into customer feelings and the ability to fine tune how sales and retention teams work to their maximum potential. The company employs today more than 40 employees, many of which are UCY graduates and is located in Limassol. The awardees were nominated by Associate Professor Demetris Zeinalipour (Data Management Systems Laboratory - DMSL), who was the Ph.D. advisor for the former two members of the team.

The UCY Entrepreneur Award highlights and celebrates the achievements of recent or present affiliates of the University (alumni, researchers, students, faculty, employees), who created value for the economy and society through entrepreneurial activities characterized by traits like novelty, risk-taking, scientific or technical excellence, social responsibility, and an international outlook.

Press Release by C4E (in greek): https://www.c4e.org.cy/events/news/item/245

About IEF 2019: https://www.c4e.org.cy/ief2019/