Welcome to Website EPL 448 - Data Mining on the Web

Data mining on the Web refers to the automatic discovery of interesting and useful patterns from the data associated with the usage, content, and the linkage structure of Web resources. It has quickly become one of the most popular areas in computing and information systems because of its direct applications in e-commerce, information retrieval/filtering, Web personalization, and recommender systems. The primary focus of this course is on examining techniques from data mining to extract useful knowledge from Web data. This course will be focused on a detailed overview of the data mining process and techniques, specifically those that are most relevant to Web mining. Several topics will be covered such as Web data clustering, classification, association rules, link analysis, social networks and Web advertising.

Check the AI-generated audio narrative of the course, created by Google's NotebookLM from the course's book.

Basic prerequisites are: EPL 231: Data structures and Algorithms, EPL342: Databases. A good knowledge of the Java programming language will be helpful with programming assignments.

Course Contract

Course Contract download (.pdf)

Administrative Information

Instructor: George Pallis
Tel: +357 22 89 27 43
Office: ΘΕΕ01 - Β119
E-mail: pallis-AT-ucy.ac.cy
Office hours: Tuesday, 10:00-12:00
Lectures: Tuesday/Friday: 12:00-13:30, Room B101, Pure & Applied Sciences Bldg. I
Labs & Tutorials:

Lab: Tuesday: 10:30-12:00, Room 201, Pure & Applied Sciences Bldg. I

Tutorial: Wednesday: 10:00-11:00, Room B101, Pure & Applied Sciences Bldg. I

Teaching Assistant:

Pavlos Antoniou
Email: antoniou.pavlos-AT-ucy.ac.cy
Office: ΘΕΕ01 - B109 (new campus)
Office hours: Wednesday, 10:00-12:00