C o m p u t a t i o n a l L o g i c


Welcome to this mid-year update of the electronic version of the Computational Logic magazine published by the Compulog-Net: the European Union's Network of excellence in Computational Logic.

Together with general news on meetings and projects you can find special area sections on Inductive Logic Programming, Constraint Logic Programming and an introduction to the new area of the network: Logic-based Agents. This update also features a report from the University of Keio in Japan on their research activities on Inductive Logic Programming and a report from the University of California, Irvine on their work on Constraints.

It is also worth mentioning here that the next issue of the magazine will be devoted to the future Technological Roadmap of the Network. This will contain specially commission articles that chart the current state of the art in several areas of the field that have been judged to be important for its future development. This special issue will be published both in electronic and hard copy form. It is expected to be ready early in the year 2000.

Antonis Kakas